We have our own truck scale within the company, and we weigh every delivery of coal! Along with the delivery, the customer receives a weighing sheet that serves as a guarantee for the delivered quantity!



Lignite coal is brown to black in color. Due to its application and quantity, it represents an exceptional potential in terms of energy.

  • The calorific values of lignite coal range from 9.500 – 14.500 kJ/kg.
  • DRVOSJEČAs wood/lignite coal is produced in granulation _PIECE II - 120+60MM_. The coal is well separated, so there is no coal dust.

We have our own truck scale within the company, and we weigh every delivery of coal! Along with the delivery, the customer receives a weighing sheet that serves as a guarantee for the delivered quantity!

Regarding costumers from Canton Sarajevo and the Decision on the protection and improvement of air quality in the Canton of Sarajevo specifying the permitted parameters of coal for use - _COSTUMERS SHOULD NOT WORRY_ considering that we carry out a weekly laboratory analysis of the coal delivered from the mine, and the customer will receive the result of the analysis with the delivery. Accordingly, our coal _SATISFIES_ the prescribed requirements of content of combustible substances, which are prescribed in the above-mentioned Decision by the Canton.


Your Drvosječa

Our products

Chopped Firewood

How many times have you heard that hardwood trees (beech, oak and hornbeam) the best wood for firewood? That's no accident! It is hardwood wood that keeps the house warm for the longest time because it does not burn quickly and when it burns it releases energy of as much as 1.850kWh per cubic meter!

Wooden Pellet

A pellet is a pressed wood residue with a moisture content of less than 10%, which gives it high energy efficiency. Automatic combustion puts pellets on par with fuel oil and gas. The stoves automatically turn on and off, reach and maintain the set temperature, and have automatic dosing of the required amount of pellets.

Wooden Briquette

Briquette is above all modern, environmentally friendly and more affordable and more economical alternative for solid fuels such as wood or coal. 100% BEECH! Firewood is one of the most important sources of energy and every winter a significant part of the household budget goes to heating.

Hard/brown Coal

Brown coal is dark gray to black in color. It is characterized by a high heating value, which is why it is mostly used in industry. It is also used in households for larger systems and heating installations that can handle a high heat value although it is also used in wide consumption. The calorific value of brown coal ranges from 14.500 – 21.000kJ/kg.

Lignite Coal

Lignite coal is brown to black in color. Due to its application and quantity, it represents an exceptional potential in terms of energy. The calorific values of lignite coal range from 9.500 – 14.500 kJ/kg.